
Showing posts from November, 2019

This is Unlike Any Other PT Facility - There is Not a Predetermined Plan

I cam to see Lynn Grimm due to pain and restriction of my neck/shoulder that was diagnosed and caused by arthritis in my neck.  It eventually restricted movement of my arm & and pain had increased.      This is unlike any other PT facility - there is not a predetermined plan.  It is VERY  individualized.  After the initial evaluation which includes range of motion and strength of affected areas, different movements are performed.  After each "exercise", ROM & strength & pain are re-evaluated.  Also attempts to recreate the symptoms are performed in order to determine exact cause and effect.  Once the corrective exercises are determined, a plan is formed.  Again, VERY individualized.  You will be followed as long or as short of time to achieve results.      I can't begin to say how effective this is and how pleased I am.   Rosemary H.  11/4/2019