"The Pain Went From a 9-10 (at it's worse) to a 1-2"

"Before coming to see Lynn I was not able to turn my neck to the right and had pain tucking my chin.  I was experiencing pain in my shoulders that would sometimes make its way down to my elbow.  After the first visit with Lynn I had a lot more range of motion.  She gave me a few exercises to work on,which increased my range of motion even more.  After the 2nd visit I was able to tuck my chin and had
nearly full range.  The pain level went from a 9-10 (at it's worse) to a 1-2.  Lynn has given me different exercises to do to help reduce the amount of time I will be "out" the next time it happens.  I can't say thank you enough for the amount of knowledge she has shared w/ me to help keep me healthy."  Shelly P.  3-7-18 


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