
Showing posts from June, 2019

"The Sessions Have Taught Me What To Do, What To Look For & How to Fix it."

"When I first started PT with Lynn my upper legs, lower legs & feet were numb & tingling.  It was hard to stand, sit and even get comfortable lying down.  It was extremely discouraging & upsetting.  Once I had a few sessions under my belt, I started to feel better.  The numbness & tingling completely went away in my upper legs.  The numbness & tingling in my lower legs & feet has subsided tremendously. The sessions have taught me what to do, what to look for & how to fix it.  I've learned a lot and am grateful that I feel better!"  Cherie W - 6/12/19

"I Can Pick Up My Children With No Issues"

"Twenty years ago I was hit from behind at 60 mph at a stand still.  B/c of the accident, I have suffered with 2 bulging disc + the pain that comes from it.  Now that I am 37 and I have 2 young kids, I had to try to find a way to put an end to this back pain.  I was having issues, picking up my children,  driving, standing up for long periods of time & even sleeping.  I cam to Lynn Grimm about 2 months ago with a positive attitude & ready to put in the work.  2 months & 6 sessions later I feel like a new person. I don't feel limited to movements like I used to, I can pick up my children with no issues, I can even sneeze w/o bunching into a ball.  I feel as if I have my life back and I have Lynn to thank.  She is an amazing therapist and an absolute amazing person from inside & out."  Chris F. 6-6-19